Focus Areas

Education in Gastronomy
Connecting and integrating gastronomy in education and vice versa was included in policy planning in recent years and requires support and cooperation between the public, private and education sectors.
In order to achieve positive results, these sectors need to work closely and intensively to successfully integrate information and knowledge that are important for local and regional Gastronomy. A fundamental aspect of this learning process is the dissemination of knowledge of the local context of Biodiversity with its fl ora and fauna which defi ne its Gastronomy.
Education is an extremely important Focus Area for the South Aegean areas for which we are collaborating with many stakeholders, local, regional and international. This can be seen in the list of projects and include many target groups, from children to the elderly. We are also commencing cooperation projects with Rutgers University USA, Harokopio University in Athens and Bergamo University in Italy.