A Few Words
George Hatzimarkos, Governor, Region of South Aegean
From the time of Archestratus to this day, the Southern Aegean Islands' gastronomy makes up some of the most ancient cuisines of the world that are famously documented and has never lost its unique, authentic flabour.
From brilliant descriptions in Homer to the lavish symposia of classical Antiquity and the Deipnosofistae, from Hippocrates' "On Diet" and Plato's "Symposium" to Andrew Dalby's "Siren Feasts", all register an exciting historic gastronomic narrative.

Main Domains of Professional Activities in the Region of South Aegean
Tourism is by far the most dynamic sector in the array of opportunities for economic development in the Region of South Aegean, hence the leading position of this region in Greek tourism.
The Region of South Aegean is one of the 13 Hellenic Regions to have been formally classified as Regions Depending on Fishing; there are 11 Regions in Europe to have in total been classified as such.

The Region of South Aegean has set five objectives on which we have built our process and will be the basis for evaluation for the European Region of Gastronomy 2019.